Monday, September 9, 2013


I have never been much of a blogger or a writer, so excuse my grammar. Writing has never been a thing of mine until lately. It allows me to jot down ideas that I keep bottled up for hours or even days, its simply a form of freedom writing down a few words a day.

I guess you could say this past year a lot has changed for me. Not to sound dramatic but life hasn't quite been living up to my "standards." So, I have been changing a lot, and haven't gotten much support. However, I am here to share with you what I would like to call some wise words haha you can call them what you'd like, that help me get through each day.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they doubt who they are and for what reason and purpose they are here for.

                              For some pulling into their turtle shell

                              and doing what everyone has told them to do
                              their whole life seems like the best option.

I am going to tell you now NO! That is not the way to be, or at least not my way and I don't think anyone should do this. Everyone is experiencing hardships all over this world, some much worse than others. If everyone hides in their little turtle shells you will be afraid of life forever and not be able to be that change that everyone is secretly longing in this world. I know how frustrating this can be to hear but I promise YOU yeah you, are here for a reason. I struggle with this every single day, especially lately, but I know one day it will all make sense, and you should also have that hope.

So, lets start by talking about you. Yeah you're pretty cool and I am going to say to live successfully in this life you need to start by Falling in love with yourself. I doubt you've heard this very often in life, because our society feels to succeed you must be like everyone else, but you have to love yourself first if you ever want anything else to fall into place.

STEP ONE YAYYY! Appreciating yourself is step one. I want you to know that you are truly great and imperfect, remember no one is perfect, all perfections are made up from your imperfections. Stop wishing you were someone else, I promise you have a greatness in you that you just haven't figured out yet (look at me, I still don't know what mine is, but I won't give up).

DON'T LET PEOPLE PUSH YOU DOWN. Our society has truly sucked the  definition of beauty out of this world. People question how they look on a daily bases because of something as stupid as a simple magazine cover. A super model that is skin and bones twists the mind of everyone and then people think "Oh hey no one is ever going to love me if that is not how I look." Come on guys don't believe society's bullshit. Words can be really degrading if you let them, but remember they are just words.

                         I am personally so attracted to personality types and
                         the intelligence and uniqueness that everyone carries
                         in them.

Personality makes people become even more gorgeous than they already are. Once you have accepted that you're beautiful, no one is going to push you down.

                             If someone is going to put you down, are they
                             really worth all the trouble and stress to keep
                             trying to impress? I wouldn't think so. So, love
                             the ones who love you they are the ones worth
                             your precious time.

There are always going to be people who attack others because they are either insecure or wish they had something you have that they don't. I used to let people hurt me so much, I finally realized though that you can't do that, get rid of the poison that surrounds your daily life. Pay them no mind, and be happy.

Doooooo it! I really can't stress this one enough.  Now, I will start by saying I have not been this way my whole life, I have definitely had my faults and I will own up to it! However, I am trying to make up for it and I think everyone should as well. Now the reason I am saying to be kind is just take a minuet and think when you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story, whether it is good or bad something is going to be weighing on them. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them. I can tell you now you won't know what that is, people are generally pretty private if they have gone through something bad in life and it takes awhile for them to open up. I know I am very to myself when it comes to things about my past and it takes someone really special for me to open up to. So like the old saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover." Give someone a compliment! I promise it will make you feel so good and it gives you good Karma and will probably turn that persons bad day into a good one! For example yesterday I went out for a best friends 21st and I haven't had what one would call a good week, and this random girl and her boyfriend that I had never met came up to me and told me they loved my dress and that I was so beautiful. Just something as simple as that can turn a frown upside down. :) Needless to say, I always try and compliment someone because you never know if there day needs a little perking up!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy let me tell you this is a toughy for most. So, you know how society always tell you "Hey go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, work forever." BOOOOO what's the fun in following a schedule made by someone else?! Come on guys you have to create your own dreams not dreams made up by other people. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with getting married and having kids and working, if that's what makes you happy, then all power to you. If you think about it though most Americans work 9-5 everyday sitting at a desktop computer dreading and hating their lives, DO WHAT YOU LOVE, not what is realistic to this society.



"It takes NOTHING to join the crowd. It takes EVERYTHING to stand alone." -Hans F. Hansen. Do what make you happy even if it means that you will be alone, I promise if you stand up for what you believe in, out of the billons of people in this world, at least one person will agree with you. You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. Knock down those walls and start living, be happy! :)

Tell me now what is the point of being alive if you don't at least try something remarkable? :) Shoot look at me I am not happy where I am living at the moment so in exactly 5 months (YAYYYY) I am going to go live in Australia for a year and go to school there, actually for maybe two years, I couldn't tell you all I know is that I am thinking outside the little box that has been trapping me for the past two years and doing something remarkable and scary, but so exciting! It is not that hard guys, you can be as young as you want for as long as you want, if you're not happy drop that heavy bearing cloud of icky stuff and GO DO SOMETHING FUNNNN!

                                         This is my new goal. Hey goals are fun. Try them.


Uh oh this is the scary part and usually the hardest for most people. I know it is for me. The past can destroy you, it is in the back of my mind all the time. Whether it was something that happened last week or two years ago, it is always going to come up. The past can be a really scary thing but do you want to know what the wisest Baboon in the world says?!


This is something I work on day by day, but news flash guys everyone has a past, and I personally think Rafikiki is pretty wise when he says you must learn from it. I am learning everyday from mistakes or even accomplishments. Always remember too your past has good memories, so try and take those good memories and let them outweigh the bad. Light always conquers darkness.  
There comes a point when you have got to stop worrying and wondering what could have been and what could be. Don't doubt yourself, follow your gut, it will get you very far in the end. I used to be awful at following what I believe in and I listened to what everyone else told me to do. Eek let me tell you, no good, it only digs you into a deeper hole that you don't want to be in. Everyone should have faith that things will work and not always in the way you want them, but I think in the end you will find they work out in the way they are supposed to. This is my hardest thing to deal with, I want everything to go perfectly all the time, but lately I realized, I have to let time take its course and if something is meant to be, it will be.
It's going to get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you just got to make is through the hard stuff first. :) Time heals everything.

Also, some wise words. Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them. Let me tell you I am a huge pleaser I love to see people happy and make them happy, so in return I expect the same. GUESS WHAT? Not everyone thinks like that and remember that those who love you for who you are and are willing to put the endless effort to be in your life, are the people worth sticking by. Now I am not saying to stop putting effort in to your full potential in any situation, I am saying though if the effort is one sided, you don't need the stress and worry of always pleasing, please who wants to please you back. In the wise words of one of my favorite authors:

Last but not least my little ones, be THANKFUL. There is always, always, always, something to be thankful for. I want to share a short little experience of mine from about two weeks ago. One of my friends was very sick, and I ended up having to take her to the hospital late at night and after waiting for hours on end in the ER, I figured a nice stretch was in order. I was walking around and walked past the hospital playground and inside were two little 5 year old boys with no hair but they looked like they were having so much fun and they were laughing and it looked like they had no worries in this world. Needless to say this broke my heart to think these poor little boys have cancer and they are so young and just so helpless to themselves, but they looked SO happy. It made me feel thankful for my life. Be thankful if you are healthy, because some people do not have that choice. I am thankful for many things. A few in particular: My family, even though they can drive me up the wall at times, I am lucky to have them in my life, even though we don't agree on many of the same things, the support I get from them is unreal. My dogs haha they always know how to put a smile on my face, this summer, it really changed my life, it holds a story I will cherish forever. There is so much more, but those are just a few.

Always remember that it is up to you to find the beauty in the ugliest of days. If you are writing a story about your life, don't ever let anyone hold the pen but you. You're amazing remember that. Don't forget either:


Rebecca <3